Action Gear ( is rated 3 out of 5 in the category consumer electronics. Read and write reviews about Action Gear ( Here at Action Gear we specialise in all the technical outdoor gear which makes your adventures even more enjoyable. Our passion for outdoor technical products is only second to our passion for delivering excellence through our service to our customers. We pride ourselves in offering a secure online shopping experience as well as dedicated personal assistance. Our own adventure began early in 2010 when we launched Action Cameras, which was the first and remained the only specialist in helmet cameras like the GoPro, Drift and more. The competitive edge which kept us as the market leader has always been our vast technical expertise and know-how about our product range and our dedication to making every customer experience better than they could have expected. In 2013 we upgraded our name to Action Gear and expanded our product know-how beyond just sports cameras to cover all the coolest outdoor technology products we could get our hands on. Our customers all have a passion for outdoor sports. We wanted to provide products that would enable our customers to record and share their experiences and get more out of something they already love. Everyone has different budgets and requirements and we set out to provide the widest range of products so there is something for everyone.
Unit 1, SCY House C/O Geneva & Eileen Roads (For a GPS use 8 Eileen Road)
Company size
1-10 employees
Blairgowrie, Randburg, Gauteng